Closing Out the LARP season

LARP Portal Character Tune-Up- How critical is your PEL and Info you provide in LARP Portal

A Post Event Letter (PEL) is a tool for collecting feedback from players about the event that was attended, the plot or plots that you were involved in and the game in general. Staff will tell you they really look forward to reading PELs. They want to hear from you- they need to hear from you. Some questions are asked specifically to gather feedback, to nurture and feed the pool of NPC players while others are asked to plan future plots.


So why are we as a community completing fewer PELs post-COVID?

There has been a decline in PEL submission post-COVID and that has me wondering if players don’t appreciate just how important PELs and Character info is to staff. Based on events in LARP Portal there is a decline of players submitting PELs. Some games send out reminders and even grant extensions beyond the deadline and yet on average in 2022 only 51% of players submitted a PEL. That is down from 65% in 2017-2019. And while we still have a few more events and days left in 2023, the trend has continued at just 50% as I prepare this newsletter.

    A few facts you may not know about PELs if you have never staffed a game. Staff can

  • receive an email when you submit your PEL
  • add PEL questions for specific events
  • add PELS for PC, NPC or Staff
  • do keyword searches against all previous PELs
  • run reports on specific PEL questions

So if you are on time, a little late, add your PEL anyhow. It’s time to reverse the trend.

Staff will THANK YOU!