PLAYER Profile |
The Player Profile is all about you personally. As a bare minimum, we recommend that you add Emergency Contact Info so that staff will know who to contact in case something happens at an event and to upload a picture to help staff get to know you. Every game that you play will have access to this information. |
PLAYER Preferences |
We recommend that you set up what notifications you want to receive by either email or text. You can mix and match and hand pick which ones you want. It’s a great way to get key notifications and reminders. You’ll have to set up your cell number in the profile if you want texts. |
PLAYER Medical Info |
If you have medical conditions, allergies or limitations that you want game runners to know about, this is the place to fill that in. You can choose to show each of these individually to staff, print on your character card or not. And of course it’s not required. |
CHARACTER Add New Character |
If you’re going to NPC, then you can go on to the next section.
If you’re a PC then you’ll need to add at least a character header, even if the name is a placeholder. You can change that later, but you need a character before you can register to play.
Here are some helpful pointers when registering for events: