LARP Portal Tips

PCs: Do you need a reminder for due dates or to register when events are added?

LARP Portal players can set personal preferences for notifications they wish to receive. Just choose PLAYER PROFILE > PREFERENCEs to select between receiving notification via email or text message (add phone # to your profile) Your preferences work for every campaign that you play.

NPCs: The benefits of Registering early for an event

Plot staff need NPC registrations for planning. By registering early, there may be key event plot characters that you may be asked to play, especially if there are costume considerations. The earlier you register the better. Registration in LARP Portal is key as Staff get notifications for registrations and they can run a report of PCs, NPCs and Staff registrations.

Staff: 4 Reasons to Build an NPC Character in LARP Portal

Creating an NPC character in LARP gives you the ability to:

  • Generate a Character Card for each NPC character you play
  • Log character costume, makeup, weapon and accessories items for easy reference
  • Document relationships and places important to the character. You can have them be visible or hidden to PCs
  • Upload a photo of the NPC character

NOTE: Only plot staff can create NPC characters and assign them to you.